Tentative Schedule
Ranch check-in available beginning at 4:00 pm.
5:00 pm: Introductions & Program Orientation
5:45 pm: Gentle Yoga led by Cathy Woods
6:30 pm: Dinner
8:00 am: Breakfast
9:00 am: The Yoga of HorsemanshipTM with Cathy Woods
Part 1: Yoga and Awareness Practice in Studio
11:00 am: The Yoga of HorsemanshipTM with Cathy Woods
Part 2: Awareness Practice and Horse Work in Arena
12:30 pm: Lunch
1:45 pm: Conscious Riding with Paul Striberry
2:45 pm: Break
4:00 pm: Trail Ride – A one-hour trail riding experience
6:00 pm: Hors d’oeuvres
7:00 pm: Dinner/Cookout with entertainment to follow
8:00 am: Breakfast
9:00 am: Gentle Morning Yoga led by Cathy Woods
10:00 am: Conscious Riding with Paul Striberry
12:30 pm: Lunch
3:00 pm: Trail Ride
6:30 pm: Dinner
8:00 am: Breakfast
9:00 am: Gentle Morning Yoga led by Cathy Woods
10:00 am: Conscious Riding with Paul Striberry
12:00 pm: Closing Observations
12:30 pm: Departure
What is included in the price?
The cost is $1,050.00 per person and that includes taxes, clinics Paul Striberry and Cathy Woods, Yoga Classes, Trail Rides, Horses, Breakfast, Dinner, and Lodging.
What is t
he Lodging like?
Cataloochee Ranch has modern rooms, with high speed internet connectivity in each room. Price is based on double (shared) occupancy. A private room is available for $90 additional. Visit Cataloochee Ranch for more images and information about their wonderful facility. Accommodations can consist of lodge room with 2 beds, or cabin with several bedrooms (2 beds per room).
Can I bring my own horse?
No. Horses are provided, and the ranch does not allow your horse at its stables.
How do I register?
Reservations are made through Cathy Woods Yoga, by check or money order, mailed to 120 Possum Hollow Rd. Robbinsville, NC 28771. Please make checks payable to Cathy Woods. Include your contact information.
DEADLINE is May, 1. A 10% deposit ($110) is due at that time. Full refunds will be issued if there is insufficient participation to offer the program.
How many people will be at the program?
Space is limited to 10 to ensure a quality program. We require a minimum of 7 to offer the program.
Pay Your Balance Due
Total Cost: $1050
Deposit (Mailed to Cathy Woods by May, 1): $110
Balance Due: $940.00
Service Charge: $25.00